About Rowan Care

Rowan Care is dedicated ensuring that Citizens are able to live with independence & dignity in their own homes by offering a range of specialised outreach support services.

Our Mission Statement

To improve the quality of life and independence of Citizens living with problems associated with old age, learning disabilities and or physical disabilities. Our services will be delivered by a well trained, experienced and supportive team whose primary aim is to go the extra mile in providing quality and flexible support in a way that promotes and enables independence and choice.

Our Values

Rowan Care will endeavour to identify with the aspirations, concerns, and difficulties of the people we work with in order to better understand their wishes and feelings.

Rowan Care has developed a well-earned reputation with commissioners, Citizens and relatives for perseverance and tenacity when providing services to people living with a learning disability and/or experiencing Mental Health problems. This, succinctly summed up as “going the extra mile”, is at the heart of our service development.

Rowan Care works in partnership and collaboration with people we support, their relatives, commissioning agencies and other like-minded voluntary, community and faith sector organisations and groups.

Rowan Care will support and encourage the people it works with to make difficult, sometimes challenging, but safe decisions in relation to all aspects of their lives. Peoples’ independence will be fostered, as will their retention of links with their communities.

Rowan Carewill strive to understand the individual needs of the people we work with and be driven by a desire to help. This will be demonstrated by our actions and behaviours.

Rowan Care will be open and straightforward in its dialogue with Citizens, their relatives and staff in order to ensure that quality of care, transparency and honesty underpin all its actions.

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